Ep 006: The Five Social Roles
Show Notes:
“Until you truly let go, until you truly form humility, can you find empathy and in that empathy you find contact and in that contact you find out who you truly are, and who the people are around you.” By Jimmy Nelson, author of the book Before They Pass Away.
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” -By Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
In this episode we are talking about the 5 social roles we play in group settings.
The 5 social roles are
- Organizer
- Speaker
- Wingman
- Wallflower
- Loner
The Organizer is the guy or girl who brought the group together.
The Speaker is the most enthusiastic person in the room. They are the entertainer in the group.
The Wingman is the guy or girl who is the most emotionally connected person to the wingman. He or she helps supports the entertainment.
The Wallflower are the viewers of the group. They speak quietly with the people next to them.
The loner is the person who is easily caught in his or her own mental chaos. They are thinking to much of themselves positively or negatively, and as such they are trying to become something they are not guaranteed to succeed doing.
Listen to the Podcast PLAY THEORY for reference for the concept of “Yes and” the conversation.
You don’t need to be a speaker or organizer to feel connected to the group. You only need to accept yourself the way you are and look for ways to welcome others to the group.
The difference between the loner and the wallflower is their social strategy. It’s a matter of thinking about how to welcome others than thinking about how afraid or confused you may feel.
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Link to the book on amazon Social, The Power of Relationships.